The Future Farms Partnership shares a vision for more agroecological horticulture enterprises across Wales helping to meet the fruit and veg needs of our citizens and supporting a flourishing rural economy.

This project builds on our existing work in Wales through Resilient Green Spaces (2021-23) by continuing to lay the groundwork for supporting more small-scale agroecological growers to thrive in the region.

With funding provided by the Backing Local Firms Fund, this project, coordinated by Social Farms & Gardens, brings together a range of partners, including ​​Landworkers’ Alliance, Powys County Council, Our Food 1200, Black Mountains College, and local Sustainable Food Partnerships. As a group, we will aim to devise updated planning guidance to support small-scale horticultural enterprises in the preparation of a planning application for a Rural Enterprise Dwelling (permanent or temporary), submit a planning application to put three temporary dwellings on a Powys County Council farm holding that will be split into three horticulture enterprises, and disseminate best practice and learning from this work widely at the end so that other local authority areas can benefit from it. You can see more information about the project here.

Our role in the project will be as a member of the project Steering Group, offering advice on the project’s activities given our existing work on council farms and on supporting access to land in Wales, as well as contributing to the planning guidance and dissemination to ensure these outputs are accessible to landseekers.

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