Land for What and the Land Justice Network

In 2016, we were partners in the “Land for What” coalition, alongside eight other organisations working for justice in the land system including the Landworkers Alliance, Radical Housing Network, Three Acres and A Cow, New Economics Foundation and others. Alongside a number of regional workshops, we organised a large conference - also called Land for What? - in London in November 2016.

Over 400 people attended over a weekend and we had an amazing variety of speakers and sessions, all focussing on land as a social and economic justice issue, and looking in particular to make connections between food and housing activists. 

The Land Justice Network grew out of this coalition and itself organised a number of events and produced some brilliant literature and connections. LJN is now gently dormant, and we have been working to repurpose the website as a sign-posting place to help people find groups that are active in the area, as well as reviving the “Land Letter” as a movement-wide newsletter. 
You can read more about this in this blog and sign up to the Land Letter on the website.

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