Shared Assets will be attending Timber Festival for the first time to talk about land to a new audience. Timber Festival is is a not-for-profit family festival gathering artists, activists and musicians to engage with the natural environment.

We will be holding two workshops, one on land storytelling with poet Chloe Tenesha Giles, and the other on land for reconnection with Rachael Milliner who is a coordinator for London’s Right to Roam. The workshops will give people the opportunity to get creative with words to tell stories about how land affects us, and dig into how we can reconnect to land and each other. Come and find us if you are going to be there! 

Land for Reconnection

4-5.30pm on Friday 5th July @ Fire in the Belly

Our land and our bodies. What does it mean to have roots in place? To feel connected to Land? What structures are stopping this from happening? In this workshop, Shared Assets and Right to Roam London ground us in a conversation on land justice. We will share ways we relate to land, and build collective intentions for how we can make the land system just.

Land Storytelling

6-7.30pm on Friday 5th July @ Fire in the Belly

Join Jamaican-English poet Chloe Tenesha Giles and land justice activists from Shared Assets in this session where we will use storytelling and poetry to reflect on land, place, and belonging. This session will be a lighthearted writing and spoken word session, where we look at the connection between people and places through concepts, characters, and worldbuilding. 

We will signpost people to campaigns and organisations doing land justice organising, of which here are some:

National initiatives

Shared Assets - supporting the land justice ecosystem in the UK; get in touch to join or set up a local land justice group

Land in Our Names (LION) - racial justice and repair for land justice

Right to Roam - join local trespasses and campaigns

Three Acres and a Cow - learn about land rights through song

at the root - resources on systemic injustice to repair relationships to land

Who Owns England - researching land ownership across England

Black Girls Hike - opportunities for Black women to explore and reconnect with nature

Streets Kitchen - solidarity with homeless people

Local or regional initiatives

Parks Watch Scotland - monitoring land management practices on Scotland’s national parks

Braich Goch - offering a place in mid-Wales for respite to people experiencing injustices of the migration system

Hiking in Skirts - Brighton-based queer and trans trespass group

Stonehenge Heritage Action Group (SHAG)

The Stars are For everyone - Dartmoor wild camping campaign

Don’t Lose Your Way - Ramblers campaign to save rights of way

Advisory Service for Squatters (ASS)

Knowle Deserves Better - Stop the Broadwalk Tower Blocks in Bristol

London initiatives

People’s Land Policy - manifesto for a people’s land policy who are helping to run London’s First Land Justice Fair on 21st July

Just Space 

Community Food Growers Network (CFGN) - London network of food growers

Planet Repairs Action Learning Educational Revolution (PRALER) - with popular education circles about land justice at Wolves Lane, London

Save Brick Lane Campaign

Unions and Housing Action

Greater Manchester Tenants Union

London Renters Union

Housing Rebellion 

Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth (HASL)

Section of Architectural Workers (SAW) 

Solidarity Across Land Trades (SALT) - union for landworkers


Workers for a Free Palestine

Queers for Palestine 

Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Palestine Action

Abolitionist and Feminist groups 

CRADLE community

Feminist Fightback - anticapitalist feminist collective

Sisters Uncut - direct action collective

Grenfell Foundation

Climate Action

Reclaim the Power - action camp 8th-13th Aug

Axe Drax - York based action group against Drax Power Station

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We’re always keen to hear from people with interesting projects or doing similar work. Get in touch for a conversation about how we might collaborate.

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