The ‘common good’ is an ancient concept, re-used many times up to the present day. But what does common good mean, when we apply it to land? When we talk about achieving Common Good Land Use we have six specific qualities in mind.
A blue and green raphic explaining the six pillars of common good land use: 1. Livelihoods, 2. Environment, 3.  Productivity, 4. Shared Benefits, 5. Community Control, 6. System Change

When we talk about ‘common good land use’, we are referring to all those ways of managing and using land that deliver social, economic and environmental benefits. This could be in the form of community-managed woodlands or parks, small-scale sustainable farms, community renewable energy projects, or other spaces.

We are aiming for a land system that favours and supports projects that are sustainable and productive, create livelihoods, enhance the environment, and involve local people in making decisions about the places they care about.

Our six principles for Common Good Land Use reflect these aims. We want land use to:

  1. Provide sustainable livelihoods
  2. Enrich the environment
  3. Produce things people need
  4. Provide shared benefits
  5. Be controlled by communities
  6. Be at the centre of wider system change

Click here to find out more about the six principles of Common Good Land Use. We also produced a short animation about common good land use and why we think it’s important.

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